The 5000 Question Survey – Part 16 (376-400)
Do you have a quick wit? I don't think that it's the quickest, but I think it's faster than others.
Do you believe in the need for political correctness? Yes, especially in sticky situations or in places where you don't know the people or their stand on things.
Do you have strong opinions and beliefs? I don't think they're strong. I'm definitely not one to push my opinions and beliefs on to other people. I believe (LOLz) that most of them are private, and should be kept that way.
If yes, can you still hang out with and be friends with people who disagree
with you? Yes, a lot of my friends and I don't agree on everything. I like it though because it helps me see other perspectives of the world. Although, we do have some things in common. I just don't want my friends pushing things on to me.
Are you uptight? I don't think so...
Do you sometimes do risky things? Sometimes, but I'm not really a big risk taker. Well, it's more like most of the situations that I've been put in the risks aren't actually that big.
Could just about anyone hold your interest in a conversation for at least ten
minutes? Pretty much. I find learning new things exhilarating and I love to listen to people.
Are you self-conscious? At times, but I generally am not. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing though.
What would be your ideal destination for a Saturday afternoon? Hmmm, depending on the weather, the park or somewhere outside. Although, if it's really hot or blizzard I'd like to go to the library or just stay at home and read!
Does anyone have a video tape of you doing something embarrassing? Yup yup! My mom has some childhood videos and I have a couple videos I took that I now find embarrassing.
What is Kevin Smith’s best movie? Well, I haven't seen to many of his movies, but my favorite of the ones I've seen has to be Live Free or Die Hard!
Where do you like to go on Friday or Saturday nights? It's not the place, but who I'm with that matters. I love to hang out with my Mom or friends and roommies!
Do you like your friends to act the same way all the time or do you accept
their moods and changes? I think that I accept their moods and changes. It would be weird if they acted the same all the time. I feel like they would be a robot or something strange.
Do you often feel like other people are judging you? Nope, but I'm sure there are some people that are.
What do you think other people judge you to be like? I honestly don't know. I'm such a weird person, that it's hard to tell what others see.
Are you quick to judge others? I try not to, but there are times when I do.
When you have a fight with someone do you want to talk about it right away or
calm down first and then talk? Definitely calm down first. I'm the type of person that just needs to go away for a bit to calm down, and then afterwards all is forgiven and I'm over whatever just happened.
Some say love is a river. What do you say love is? Hmmm...a good question. I think love is like the sky. It's all encompassing, can be rough at times, but always there. It's a gorgeous and beautiful thing that well all need in our lives!
What is the worst fault a person can have? Well, to me the worst fault a person can have is not being able to judge situations and know when to not say things and such. Kind of like when their filter is missing. Granted, I know that a lot of people that have this problem have some sort of disorder, but it still bothers me.
Do you have it? I don't think so. I might have it a little or at times, but generally not.
Which do you think has more impact on a person’s character, genetics or
environment? I think that it's a combination. If there is one that has more impact, I think it's by such a small margin that it doesn't even matter. Although, this is just a general statement. I think that for particular people one has a larger effect.
Who was your first best friend? Kendra King! She lived on the same street as me and her older sister used to baby sit us! We were friends from kindergarten until fifth or sixth grade. I can't quite remember when she moved.
If you are not best friends anymore, what came between you? She moved and we were still young enough to not keep contact. A few years ago though I ran into her Mom at the Walmart in Loveland.
Who have you read a biography about?'s been a while since I've read a biography. The last one I recall reading was Audry Hepburn's.
What would your own autobiography be called? I'm not sure. If I were writing it now, something about apples and fangirls/fandoms!
Well, I hope you enjoyed learning more about me! Once again, I'm nearing the end of this chapter and have been looking for ideas for future names. If you have any suggestions please let me know! Today's closing gif will be a beautiful gif of the sky and the every changing clouds!

Until next time,
Stasi ❤
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