The 5000 Question Survey – Part 2 (26-50)
Who has done something today to show they care about you? Ummm...I haven't really had much interaction with people today. I did text my sister to ask for her email and address, but nothing else really. Although, I'm sure when I see Billy in a couple of hours she's going to give me a hug!
Do you have a lot to learn? I think everyone still has a lot to learn. I try to learn something new everyday. There are so many different things to learn all over the world, it's impossible to know every single thing.
If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working
what would they be? Learn how to do three things by wishing, the first would be to make costumes. It's been a really long learning process so far, and I'm still not that good. Another thing I wish I was able to do is knit. It would be nice to just sit down and be able to knit like a pro without learning. Last, I would wish to know how to ride a bike. I started to learn when I was younger, but some things happened and I guess I was too scared or traumatized to try again. It would be really nice to know how to ride a bike. I've found my self wanting to learn a lot since just before the summer.
Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do,
or how other people make you feel? I think I remember how other people make me feel the longest. There are times when I reminisce and can't quite remember what the other person said, but I remember how they made me feel. Remembering what people did is a really close second though.
What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship? Relationships, heavy stuff! I think that the key to any relationship is being able to grow together. Most couples get into fights or arguments, I think that it's best when they get solved by both sides compromising and growing together. I think trust is also something that most successful relationships have. I can't really see a relationship lasting if someone is too busy worrying about what the other is doing and if s/he's being faithful.
What 3 things do you want to do before you die? Three things I want to do before I die are go to a Super Junior concert, hopefully with all 13 (+2) members in attendance, give birth to at least one child, and be able to help sponsor a drum corps or a member for at least one season of marching.
What three things would you want to die to avoid doing? Three things I want to avoid doing are anything with snakes, getting lost in a secluded area, and not being able to stand up for myself and my life to achieve my dreams.
Is there a cause you believe in more than any other cause? I don't think there is any one cause I support over any other. I do think that some "causes" out there shouldn't be considered scientific from some research I've seen done.
What does each decade make you think of?
1920's: Well, I'm sure most people think of this, but I think of the Great Depression and Babe Ruth!
1930's: I think of Amelia Earhart and the Dust-bowl when I think of the 1930s. Also, one of my favorite movies growing up was "The Little Princess" which was made in 1939!
1940's: World War II, need I say anything else?
1950's: It's sad that I can really only think of wars, but the 1950s makes me think of the Cold War and the Korean War.
1960's: Well, the 1960s makes me think of Martin Luther King Jr, drugs, protesting, the Vietnam War, and the first man on the moon!
1970's: DISCO!
1980's: Baby Boomers and the break out of pop music as well as classic films such as Breakfast Club and Sixteen Candles.
1990's: Boy Bands, particularly the Backstreet Boys! (I didn't really hear much about N'sync until they broke up and JT went solo.) I also think of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! (Started in 1997 I believe!)
2000’s: Well, the big defining points for me in 2000 were 9/11, the Summer Olympics of '08, and my graduation from high school and start of college! I also got hooked on Jpop and then Kpop a few years later in the 2000s!
2010's: Well, it's only 2011, but for sure the first thing I think of was my first trip out of the US and my semester studying abroad in Japan!
Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why? I think there isn't a decade I feel particularly connected too. I do feel like I know the 1990s and forward though since I've lived through them.
What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song? My favorite classic rock song, would have to be one of the Aerosmith songs. If I have to pick one...hmmm...maybe Crazy. I love the Big Ones album!
What country do you live in and who is the leader of that country? If you could
say any sentence to the current leader of your country what would it be? I live in the US and the current President is Obama. If I could say just one line to him, I'd just say "What the FUCK?" (And I don't like to cuss, particularly with the F word.) ~_~
What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night? When I acutally had TV, I would turn to TLC, but then switch between that, the Discovery channel and the History channel.
What Disney villain are you the most like and why? I don't know what villain I'm most like, but I love singing Urusla's Poor Unfortunate Souls from The Little Mermaid.
Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout? I was a girls scout for a grand total of 1 day. I was just there for the Halloween party, then my step-mom didn't want to take me anymore and told me that if I wanted to go I had to walk there. I was like 10.
If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat? I actually enjoy flying, so that's fine. I would like to take a cruise though at one point! XD
Why is the sky blue during the day and black at night? Doesn't it have something to do with the reflection of the sun's rays?
What does your name mean? I'm not sure if my parents chose it for a special meaning that I don't know, but according to, my name is the feminine form of Anastasius which means "resurrection" in Greek.
Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space? I think that I would prefer exploring outer space. I blame it on the fact I'm a Star Wars and Star Trek fan! XD
Word association! What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the
following words?
Air: Wind
Meat: Delicious
Different: Pairs
Pink: Sungmin
Deserve: Something
White: Teukie
Elvis: Hip thrusting
Magic: Amazing
Heart: Jealous
Clash: Pain
Pulp: Orange Juice
If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to
be? I would want to meet my grandmother one more time and be able to say goodbye.
What if you could meet anyone who is alive? If I could meet anyone alive, I would love to meet Super Junior! XD
Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it every day? I don't know about watching it everyday, but a movie that I watch a lot and never get tired of is "What's Up Doc?"
You are going to be stuck alone in an elevator for a week. What do you bring to
do? Well, I know that eventually I'll run out of battery, but I'd bring my iPod (with it's amazing games and music) and a bag of books. It would also be nice to have some food and water, but that's not really things "to do."
Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved? I don't think I've saved someone's life (literally) or have had someone save my life. I have been told that I've saved people's lives when I listen to them rant or help them finish a project or something. I don't think that their life was actually threatened though...
I hope you enjoyed my answers! As always, leave any questions or comments below! This week's gif is one of my favorite dance moves from Super Junior's Mr. Simple Music Video! (It's Super Junior because they are mentioned a few times in this post!)

Stasi ❤
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