The 5000 Question Survey – Part 7 (151-175)
What is louder and more annoying: 200 adults talking or one four-year-old
screaming? I would have to say 200 adults talking. For a lot of situations I've been in, when there are a bunch of people talking (even in adults) and they don't think that other people can here them, a contest is started. It's usually a who can talk the loudest to be heard over the din contest, but usually it ends with everyone trying to scream over each until one person goes crazy and yells at everyone in the group. If 200 people were doing that, GAH!
Do you believe the stories about planes, boats and people mysteriously disappearing
into the Bermuda triangle? Yes, I do believe that there are instances where people and things have disappeared. There is so much about this world that we don't know.
Who are you the most jealous of? I'm most jealous of my friend Michelle. She doesn't have to worry about money (her parents are freaking rich) and pretty much gets things that she wants as well as need. She's also gotten to do a lot of things that I wish I could do (like spend the Christmas holidays in Tokyo). It's not a big jealousy though, more of a "How nice. I wish I could do that." feeling. I do know that she has some issues though, so it's not all fun and games for her!
What is the happiest way you can start your day? Usually my happiest days are the ones where I wake up smiling! What is even better is when it's dark and cloudy outside. Actually the best day is when I wake up to rain and sometimes snow!
Do you ever have moments where you feel like everything is all right in the
world? It hasn't happened a lot, and I know it's not true when I have felt it, but there are a couple times where I've had a moment of complete peace.
Who thinks that you are offensive? I don't know if anybody thinks I'm offensive. If they do, they haven't brought it to my attention. I'm sure there's someone out there though!
If you had to teach a class in something, what would you be able to teach
people? I think I would be able to teach people anything that I'm knowledgeable in. I taught my younger brother and sister to read and I've tutored before. Most of the things I've tutored in were Biology, Accounting, Business, English, and a few other subjects.
Have you ever had a spiritual experience (an experience that cannot be
explained by science)? I don't think I have, but I've always wanted to experience one. More specifically, I've always wanted to get a "sign" from my grandmother that she's happy and at peace.
Do you believe that this experience was truly mystical or do you think there is
some scientific explanation for it, only you don't know what it is? Well, I can't really answer this question, but generally I think that it could go either way depending on the experience.
Do you get offended easily? There are certain things that offend me easily, but overall I think I hide it well when it's smaller things that bother me.
Would you still love and stay with your significant other if he or she had to
have a breast or testicle removed? I would. Especially if we were close enough to be considered "significant others." I would still love them the same. I don't know how well I can cope with whatever they deal with mentally. From what I've heard, a lot of people take it really hard mentally and emotionally, so no matter much their family loves them, they get pushed away.
Do you believe in fate or free will? I believe that there is free will, but there also is a bit of fate. I would like to think that fate isn't as straight-lined, but that there is someone out there for everyone that is perfect for them.
Do you believe that only boring people get bored? Oh, I don't believe that at all. I don't think I'm that boring of a person and I get bored. It's very easy to get bored when you have a lot of time to yourself and only a few select hobbies or activities to participate in.
Can life change or are we all stuck in vain? I think that life can change. Circumstances may be the fate, but how we react in those circumstances siphons out different consequences. I hope that makes sense.
What changes are you afraid of? I'm not really afraid of change. Sometimes it worries me, but I think I'm more worried that there won't be changes.
Are you a day person or nocturnal? I'm a weird combination of both. I can wake up really early and stay up all night. Of course this leads to me being exhausted, but I really enjoy doing both!
What one CD could you listen to for an entire week (no mixed CD’s, it must be
an album)? Well, lately I've been listening pretty much to JYJ's In Heaven album. Before that I pretty much just had Super Junior's Mr. Simple on shuffle. One of my playlists is whatever new music I find and then I keep it on shuffle and add new CDs and take old ones off. It's a weird cycle!
Which is worse, working in retail, food service, or an office? For me, I have worked in both an office and in retail. I never want to work in food service if I don't have to. Although, I have thought it would be fun to work in a bakery!
What's the coolest job you ever had? Well, I'd have to say my current job. It's not really cool, but it's pretty awesome to get paid to surf the Internet and do your homework!
What is one central idea that your thoughts seem to come back to? Ummm, well I'd have to say fangirling, in particular about Super Junior. They really have effected my life more than others realize and I can almost always find a way to relate something back to them, Arashi, or another one of my favorite bands!
Have you ever wanted to be an actor? I have never wanted to be an actor. Honestly, I don't think I can act and know it. I just never had the drive or passion to be an actor.
If you had the power to control one person and make this person do anything you
wanted for a whole day, who would you pick and what would they do? I would pick Kim Jaejoong from JYJ. Before you all get twitter-pated because it's not Super Junior or Arashi, I chose Jaejoong for a specific reason. I would force him to teach me all his cooking techniques. Jaejoong is known for his cooking skills in the idol world and I would love to learn how to cook Korean food! Plus he's absolutely gorgeous! XD
What star sign are you and what is your sign like? Well, my Western horoscope is Gemini. My Chinese horoscope is the snake. (UGH!) I'd tell you what they are like, but I would think it's easier to just post links so you can really read them if you want. Also, you'd be able to look up your own!
Did the Blair Witch Project scare you? Honestly, I haven't seen it all the way through. I got about 30 minutes in, found it incredibly stupid and unbelievable, and turned it off. Sorry.
Are you in constant fear of death? Nope. I actually rarely think about death or what happens afterwords. I have enough to worry about in the present.
So there is that! I hope you enjoyed reading! If you want, comment to let me know what signs you are! I'd love to know more about my readers! Anyways, this posts' gif will be Jaejoong since I would love to control him for a day!

Until next time,
Stasi ❤
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