The 5000 Question Survey – Part 3 (51-75)
Make up a definition for the following silly words.
Fruitgoogle: A type of fruit that is a hybrid of all others. It is said that every time you take a bite, you taste a new flavor.
Ambytime: Referring to the time when scientists are able to extract dinosaur DNA and bring them back to life. (Jurassic Park anyone??)
Asscactus: A cactus that is known to have various parts that can be likened to the shape of a human's butt.
What was the last thing you made with your own hands? This morning I made a sandwich! XD
What was your favorite toy as a child? I had a stuffed blue teddy bear known as Blue Teddy. I also got this dolly that had a little cherry piece. When you stuck the spoon into the cherry jar, cherries would pop out into the spoon and you could feed it to the doll. I played with the cherries and fed just about everyone in my family. The doll was kind of discarded!
How many TV’s are in your house? Well, at my apartment there are only two TVs. At my home back in Milliken though, there are four.
What is your favorite thing to do outside? There are a lot of things I love to do outside, but my top two are four-wheeling and splashing in puddles!
How do you feel when you see a rainbow? I don't really feel anything in particular. I've seen so many now that I'm not as impressed or excited as I was when I was a child...or my Mom.
Have you ever dreamed a dream that came true? I have dreamed a nightmare that came true. As for good dreams, not yet, but I'm hoping! XD
Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader? Nope. I've always wanted to have my cards read. My grandmother was a psychic and I always wanted her to do my cards, but she wouldn't do family.
What is your idea of paradise? My paradise is a place where I feel completely at rest and not worried about anything. Stress free is the key. It doesn't really have to be anywhere super exotic. Although, I've always wanted to go to the Maldives.
Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like? I don't necessarily believe in just one god. Nobody can know for sure, but I like to think that there are spirits and different gods (like Egypt and Rome and Greece). I just believe that there are forces that science can't explain, and that they will do what the want whether it's for good, evil or just a neutral fun. I try to just keep telling myself that things happen for a reason.
Do you believe in Hell? I don't necessarily think that's it's a hell, but I do believe that there is place that some select few go to.
What one thing have you done that most people haven't? Ummm, I think that one thing that I've done that most people haven't is laugh and smile almost constantly. I try to be a very happy person. Plus I'm amused very easily.
What is the kindest thing you have ever done? I'm not sure what the kindest thing I've done is, because what I do may or may not be seen as kind to whomever I'm doing it too. I do try to take care of people though. I like cooking for them and buying them presents (even if I don't get anything back). I guess that's why people always give me nicknames related to mothering...
Are you a patient person? I would like to think I'm a patient person, but there are some things that I really can't stand.
What holiday should exist but doesn't? I wish there was a holiday that appreciated music as a whole and its effect on the world. I'm sure that there is one somewhere though...
What holiday shouldn't exist but does? I don't know a lot of the random silly holidays, but I think that all holidays are created with a reason. Who am I to say that they shouldn't exist?
What's the best joke you ever heard? Well, I haven't heard a joke in a long time, but I laugh at almost all the jokes I've heard. Honestly, I can't remember the greatest joke I heard. The last one I heard though was making fun of Justin Bieber (I am NOT a fan). It was pretty funny.
Where is the most fun place you have EVER been? The most fun place I've ever been would have to be a park. Honestly, how much fun depends on who I'm with. I'm totally fine just going to a park and playing around for hours if I'm with good company. If I have to choose a fun place though, I'd have to go with Worlds of Fun Theme Park in Kansas City. I had a blast when I went there on a band trip!
Is your hair natural or dyed? My hair is 100% natural! I have never died my hair! It's something I'm kind of proud of.
Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front? I think that everyone has something that they want to hide from their past, but if someone was really curious and asked me about it, I would share. I don't volunteer the information though.
What is under your bed right now? My two bins that have all my Movies and TV Shows on DVDs and three giant CD cases that hold all the anime and Asian dramas that I've burned onto data discs.
If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home? Well, since I've never actually seen all of the Wizard of Oz, I can't give an informed opinion. From what I saw though, it's a little to yellow and sweet for me. I'd rather be here in the real world. Plus the little midget thingies are creepy.
If you drive do you frequently speed? I haven't drove in a while, but when I did I would usually go the speed limit and up to 5 mph over. Technically it's speeding, but most people go faster. Traffic itself usually goes 10 to 15 mph on average, so it's hard to not speed and be the one impeding traffic.
What is the world's best song to dance to? The song that I always dance to, would be Sorry Sorry. I can't help it. When it goes off on my phone, while I'm driving, while I'm swinging (at the park) while I'm walking, while I'm folding laundry, etc. I just can't help but to stop and dance along. Actually a lot of Super Junior songs do it to me too. The other ones I usually almost always dance to are Rokkugo, Cooking? Cooking! (Yoriwang), Pajama Party, Bonamana and Mr. Simple. I just can't help it! XD
What song was on the last time you danced with someone? Well, it's been a while since I've last danced with someone. I usually listen to music when I cook and there are usually cats or someone in the kitchen talking with me. I don't know if it counts, but it would be my Mom. When I was home last Sunday Mr. Simple came on and I started dancing along. My Mom just kept talking to me and watched me dance. Then she said something (I don't remember) and went to check the bratwurst on the grill. If that doesn't count either, then my sister and I were dancing Mr. Simple before she left for college. It was about a month ago.
I hope you enjoyed these 25 questions. If you have any questions or comments, please post them below. I don't even know if anybody is reading these, or if I'm so weird that people don't have any responses to what I'm saying. Anyways, since I mentioned Super Junior again, and particularly the Mr. Simple dance, this week gif is our Dancing Anchovy (Eunhyuk) demonstrating the two main dance moves (during the chorus) during their comeback interviews on one of the shows! I definitely don't dance it that well...XD

Until next time,
Stasi ❤
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