Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Beginning: Parts 8 & 9: Questions 176-225

Hello again! Once again I'm doing another double post! That means 50 questions! I was going to post on Tuesday (I was super busy on Monday), but then I just decided to postpone it and do another double post this week! Sorry to those waiting on Monday for the next post (if there even is anybody...). Anyways, I'll try to stop procrastinating so much! Although, I've been telling myself that since the 20th for my main blog, but anyways! On to the parts eight and nine! Enjoy!

The 5000 Question Survey – Parts 8 & 9 (176-225)

176. Does fear of death keep you from building a life? No. As I mentioned in the last question of the part 7, I don't really think about my death much.

177. Do you like all your movies to be in wide-screen? Yes, I definitely prefer wide-screen. Most of the time I won't buy a DVD if it's in full screen, even if it's less than $5. Plus, the TV that are normal and most common now all support wide-screen beautifully!

178. Are you a fan of any comic books? Yes, but my absolute all time favorite is Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Yes, I'm still a Buffy fan! I thoroughly enjoyed Season 8 and am looking forward to Season 9!

179. At what age did you attend your first funeral? I never have attended a funeral. I did attend a memorial service (which is very similar) though. It was my Grandmother's so I was in my junior year of high school. I think I was 16.

180. What do you smell like (lotion, cologne, sweat)? I'm not quite sure what I smell like, but I'm hoping my body spray and lotion is still smellable(?). I can quite remember what one I've been using lately, but it's one of the Victoria Secret sets. It's not Love Spell though, I don't use it. It's used by so many people.

181. What are your greatest sources for wisdom? I would have to say my past life experiences are my sources for what little wisdom I have. Although, isn't that true for most people?

182. When you were little, where did your parents tell you babies come from? I honestly don't remember, but part of my thinks the stork. Although, I don't think my parents told me that. Actually, did I even ask?

183. What is your favorite band? Super Junior!! (As if you didn't know! XD )

184. What's the best cheesy 80's song? As for 80's music, I love Billy Idol! My favorite Billy Idol song from the 80's is Got To Be A Lover.

185. What's the best kind of movie to see on a date? I think the most common movie for dates are Romantic Comedies or Horror, but I'd honestly be good with going to see anything except horror. Although, if I had a choice, I'd probably pick an action movie. I think Tron: Legacy or Star Trek would've been awesome date movies!

186. Do you like to sit in the front, middle, or back of the Movie Theater? I like to sit in between the middle and back. Like three-quarters of the way up.

187. Have you ever been inside an abandoned building? I have. It was creepy. I don't really plan on doing it again.

188. Under what circumstances would you agree to work for free? If I was doing something I loved or something that helped other people.

189. Candles or strobe lights? Candles, most definitely. Strobe lights get annoying after the first couple minutes.

190. Do you think the Lord of the Rings movies are true to the books or did Hollywood change the story too much? Well, I've never read the books so I can't say.

191. When you see a stranger on the street does your first reaction lean towards thinking of this person as a potential friend or as a potential threat? It honestly depends on how they're acting, their interactions with the things around them, and the way they're dressed. We aren't supposed to judge a book by their cover and I tend to try to find the good things in people, but sometimes I see someone that just makes me want to not even walk near them.

192. Is it natural for human beings to fear and distrust each other, or is it cultural? I think it's cultural. If we were in the wild, we would need to depend on each other to live.

193. What do you really want to buy? Well, right now I would really love to buy a house/apartment in Tokyo and Seoul and move there!

194. You have to choose. Would you be happier marrying someone rich for their money or living in the streets and subway tunnels with someone you love? I would be happier staying with someone I love. I would be lacking in a lot of other things, but I think I would be happier.

195. If someone wanted to understand you what book could they read that would help? Ummm...well I don't know if there's a book that people can read to understand me better. I will say that growing up my favorite books were Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden and James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small.

196. Do you think it’s odd that Americans have freedom of religion and yet call themselves 'one nation under god'? Yes I find it odd when placing it in today's contexts. At the time the Pledge of Aliegance was created though, there weren't as many religions in America as there were then.

197. In what sense are you a minority? I think I'm a minority in the medical fields. Not only do I have a rare disease, but I also have extra bones in me feet and ankles!

198. Are you anti-social? I don't think I'm anit-social, but I can be quiet and shy at times.

199. Do you photograph well? Well, does anyone think they photograph well? I think I do at times. It all depends.

200. Do you think that human beings would survivor through a nuclear winter? I think there would be a select few that do. Most of the human race would not survive though.

201. Put these creatures in order from what you would least like to be reincarnated as (1), to what you would most like to be reincarnated as (10) assuming reincarnation ended up existing and you were given a choice: caterpillar, house dog, wild dog, vulture, male human, female human, oak tree, rock, manta ray, and dolphin. I'll start with ten (the most liked) and go down to one!
10) Female Human
9) Male Human
8) Dolphin
7) House Dog
6) Caterpillar
5) Oak Tree
4) Manta Ray
3) Wild Dog
2) Rock
1) Vulture

202. What do you feel unworthy of? I don't really feel unworthy of anything. Although, I can say that I don't really have anything amazing or special.

203. Would you rather be remembered for having done something for humanity or being a really nice person? I would rather be remembered as a really nice person.

204. Which do you value more: science or intuition? I don't think I value one more than the other. I think they both have their place.

205. Your best friend and your significant other are in the hospital at the same time with the same ailment. Who do you visit first? Well, if they both have the same ailment, they might be in the same room. If they aren't, I would probably see my best friend first, but end up spending more time with my significant other.

206. Does the universe revolve around human beings? Oh gosh no. A lot of humans seem to think so though.

207. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday afternoon. I was watching a TV show and there was a sad part that made me tear up. I was able to control it pretty well (being at work), but I still had a few tears escape and my nose got runny!

208. Who is your favorite poet of those who are alive right now? I don't really know any poets. If this counts, I'll choose him! I think that some songs are poems that are to music, so I would have to say my favorite lyricist right now is Jaejoong!

209. What is your favorite song from the 90's? Well in the 90's I listened to a lot of country, the Backstreet Boys, Annie Lennox, and Billy Idol's new albums. I would have to say that my favorite song out of all of those is either the Annie Lennox's Little Bird, Backstreet Boy's Everybody (Backstreet's Back), or Martina McBride's Wild Angels.

210. If you were in alphabet soup what letter would you be? I would be the letter S, but that's my favorite letter. I don't know why, I just like writing it!

211. Do you believe in fairies, ghosts, aliens, angels, dwarves, elves, etc.? I do believe in them. I don't think that all of them still exist in today's world (if they do they are magnificently hidden), but they did at one point in time.

212. What makes you want to be someone’s friend? What makes me have the urge to become someone's friend the most, is when I feel like I need to do something to help take care of them. Hence why most of my nicknames are something about mothering...

213. Do you troll around the Internet harassing people anonymously for fun? I am not a troll. I don't harrass people anonymously on the internet or in real life.

214. Have you ever seen the movie “A Man Who Fell to Earth?” Nope.

215. What is your favorite line from a movie? My favorite line is from Mel Brook's Robin Hood Men in Tights! Although, the entire movie is good for quoting. Anyways, my favorite movie quotes is as follows: "King illegal forest to pig wild kill in it a is"

216. What's your favorite video game? Hmmm, this is a tough one. I'd have to say currently and for the past couple years my favorite game has been either Little Big Planet or Left 4 Dead.

217. Have you ever taken something that wasn't yours? I have.

218. What is one phrase people say that irritates you? Hmmm...I find that peoples actions irritate me more than their words. Although, it's not anything specific, I find that people being hypocritical is very irritating.

219. Would you rather strangers or your parents read your diary? I'd rather have strangers. Then they wouldn't really know who I was writing about.

220. Hot steamy bubble bath or quick in and out shower? Hot steamy bath, hold the bubbles! UGH! I miss the Japanese baths. T_T

221. Are you allergic to anything? Yes, but I'm  not sure what. I'm guessing it's a type of pollen. I only was affected one fall and I had hives for a couple weeks. After that, I'm not sure what.

222. What is your favorite Terminator movie? I would have to say the first.

223. What is your favorite fast food? Well, if I had the choice I would go to either Wendy's or Chick-Fil-A.

224. What would someone have to do to get you to never speak to him or her again? Use me and hurt me so much that I break down. But then again, I've had that happen before and I still talk to those people. Not as much as I used to, but there is still a little bit of communication. Honestly, the only way for people to not get me to contact them is to completely go off the grid. (Hee hee! Tron reference! XD )

225. Would you ever whip someone or get whipped in bed? No, that doesn't really appeal to me. If I loved the person enough and they really, really wanted to do it though, I would try it once. Not sure how long I would last though. Who knows? Maybe I'm truly a Sadist or Masochist at heart? If I had to choose though, I'd say I'm more Sadistic than Masochistic.

So, I hope you enjoyed these 50 questions and learning more about me! I also hoped you didn't get too creeped out with the last one, but hey, we'll all wonder at some point! So once again, I'll be leaving you with two gifs! The first is from Tron: Legacy and the second is from Robin Hood Men In Tights

I want a Light Cycle!
"Walk this way!"

Until next time, 

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Beginning: Part 7: Questions 151-175

I'm sorry I didn't update this post last night, but I was exhausted. I almost fell asleep at work. I picked up a shift today, so I figured that would be fine and I might be a little more awake. Earlier I was, but now the exhaustion is starting to set back in. Oh well! Anyways, here is part seven! Enjoy!

The 5000 Question Survey – Part 7 (151-175)

151. What is louder and more annoying: 200 adults talking or one four-year-old screaming? I would have to say 200 adults talking. For a lot of situations I've been in, when there are a bunch of people talking (even in adults) and they don't think that other people can here them, a contest is started. It's usually a who can talk the loudest to be heard over the din contest, but usually it ends with everyone trying to scream over each until one person goes crazy and yells at everyone in the group. If 200 people were doing that, GAH!

152. Do you believe the stories about planes, boats and people mysteriously disappearing into the Bermuda triangle? Yes, I do believe that there are instances where people and things have disappeared. There is so much about this world that we don't know.

153. Who are you the most jealous of? I'm most jealous of my friend Michelle. She doesn't have to worry about money (her parents are freaking rich) and pretty much gets things that she wants as well as need. She's also gotten to do a lot of things that I wish I could do (like spend the Christmas holidays in Tokyo). It's not a big jealousy though, more of a "How nice. I wish I could do that." feeling. I do know that she has some issues though, so it's not all fun and games for her!

154. What is the happiest way you can start your day? Usually my happiest days are the ones where I wake up smiling! What is even better is when it's dark and cloudy outside. Actually the best day is when I wake up to rain and sometimes snow!

155. Do you ever have moments where you feel like everything is all right in the world? It hasn't happened a lot, and I know it's not true when I have felt it, but there are a couple times where I've had a moment of complete peace.

156. Who thinks that you are offensive? I don't know if anybody thinks I'm offensive. If they do, they haven't brought it to my attention. I'm sure there's someone out there though!

157. If you had to teach a class in something, what would you be able to teach people? I think I would be able to teach people anything that I'm knowledgeable in. I taught my younger brother and sister to read and I've tutored before. Most of the things I've tutored in were Biology, Accounting, Business, English, and a few other subjects.

158. Have you ever had a spiritual experience (an experience that cannot be explained by science)? I don't think I have, but I've always wanted to experience one. More specifically, I've always wanted to get a "sign" from my grandmother that she's happy and at peace.

159. Do you believe that this experience was truly mystical or do you think there is some scientific explanation for it, only you don't know what it is? Well, I can't really answer this question, but generally I think that it could go either way depending on the experience.

160. Do you get offended easily? There are certain things that offend me easily, but overall I think I hide it well when it's smaller things that bother me.

161. Would you still love and stay with your significant other if he or she had to have a breast or testicle removed? I would. Especially if we were close enough to be considered "significant others." I would still love them the same. I don't know how well I can cope with whatever they deal with mentally. From what I've heard, a lot of people take it really hard mentally and emotionally, so no matter much their family loves them, they get pushed away.

162. Do you believe in fate or free will? I believe that there is free will, but there also  is a bit of fate. I would like to think that fate isn't as straight-lined, but that there is someone out there for everyone that is perfect for them.

163. Do you believe that only boring people get bored? Oh, I don't believe that at all. I don't think I'm that boring of a person and I get bored. It's very easy to get bored when you have a lot of time to yourself and only a few select hobbies or activities to participate in.

164. Can life change or are we all stuck in vain? I think that life can change. Circumstances may be the fate, but how we react in those circumstances siphons out different consequences. I hope that makes sense.

165. What changes are you afraid of? I'm not really afraid of change. Sometimes it worries me, but I think I'm more worried that there won't be changes.

166. Are you a day person or nocturnal? I'm a weird combination of both. I can wake up really early and stay up all night. Of course this leads to me being exhausted, but I really enjoy doing both!

167. What one CD could you listen to for an entire week (no mixed CD’s, it must be an album)? Well, lately I've been listening pretty much to JYJ's In Heaven album. Before that I pretty much just had Super Junior's Mr. Simple on shuffle. One of my playlists is whatever new music I find and then I keep it on shuffle and add new CDs and take old ones off. It's a weird cycle!

168. Which is worse, working in retail, food service, or an office? For me, I have worked in both an office and in retail. I never want to work in food service if I don't have to. Although, I have thought it would be fun to work in a bakery!

169. What's the coolest job you ever had? Well, I'd have to say my current job. It's not really cool, but it's pretty awesome to get paid to surf the Internet and do your homework!

170. What is one central idea that your thoughts seem to come back to? Ummm, well I'd have to say fangirling, in particular about Super Junior. They really have effected my life more than others realize and I can almost always find a way to relate something back to them, Arashi, or another one of my favorite bands!

171. Have you ever wanted to be an actor? I have never wanted to be an actor. Honestly, I don't think I can act and know it. I just never had the drive or passion to be an actor.

172. If you had the power to control one person and make this person do anything you wanted for a whole day, who would you pick and what would they do? I would pick Kim Jaejoong from JYJ. Before you all get twitter-pated because it's not Super Junior or Arashi, I chose Jaejoong for a specific reason. I would force him to teach me all his cooking techniques. Jaejoong is known for his cooking skills in the idol world and I would love to learn how to cook Korean food! Plus he's absolutely gorgeous! XD

173. What star sign are you and what is your sign like? Well, my Western horoscope is Gemini. My Chinese horoscope is the snake. (UGH!) I'd tell you what they are like, but I would think it's easier to just post links so you can really read them if you want. Also, you'd be able to look up your own!

174. Did the Blair Witch Project scare you? Honestly, I haven't seen it all the way through. I got about 30 minutes in, found it incredibly stupid and unbelievable, and turned it off. Sorry.

175. Are you in constant fear of death? Nope. I actually rarely think about death or what happens afterwords. I have enough to worry about in the present.

So there is that! I hope you enjoyed reading! If you want, comment to let me know what signs you are! I'd love to know more about my readers! Anyways, this posts' gif will be Jaejoong since I would love to control him for a day!

Until next time, 

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Beginning: Part 6: Questions 126-150

So I'm actually updating this on a Monday!! Yay!! I'm pretty excited about it! Plus, after this I will have answered 150 questions! I can't believe I'm already this far, but there's still a lot more questions to go! Anyways, enjoy part six!

The 5000 Question Survey – Part 6 (126-150)

126. Would you consider yourself to be wise? I would say I'm wiser than others my age (22), but I am in no way the wisest person there is.

127. Have you ever given or received a lap dance? No and no.

128. Have you ever spoken to a homeless person? I have. It was a very awkward and bad smelling experience.

129. Would you ever creep into the subway tunnels to go exploring? I think it would be fun, but I would prefer to do it in a tunnel that isn't used for subways anymore. I don't want to get squished by subways. ~_~

130. If you could add 70 years to your life but only by making some random person die 70 years sooner would you? If I knew that that was the condition, I wouldn't. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I sacrificed someone else' years.

131. Can you finish any of the following lyrics? Nope, but I have no idea what they are from. The third one sounds familiar, but I would have to hear them in their song to possibly be able to continue.

A: Nothing to kill or die for...

B: Late comings with the late comin' stretcher...

C: I could make a film and make you my star...

132. Were you ever with someone while they died? I was with a few of my animals as they passed on, but I've never been with a person during that stage of their life.

133. Would you rather be a world political leader or a rock star? I would rather be a rock star. A lot of people hate politicians and I don't know as much about political workings as I probably should.

134. Have you ever given someone a love letter that you wrote? I don't think I've ever written a love letter. At least I don't remember writing any...

135. Have you ever sent someone a surprise though the mail? I have and the phone call I've received later was awesome!

136. Are you looking forward to any concerts right now? I'm looking forward to Super Show 4 and really really hoping that they have one here in the US.

137. Of all animated movies, which is the best one you've ever seen? Wow, that's a loaded question. As of right now, my current favorite animated movie is Tangled. I love it! Although growing up my favorites were either The Little Mermaid or The Aristocats!

138. What are the best bands or songs to listen to while driving? Well, I pretty much love to listen to anything I can dance and sing along to while I drive. I usually have a mix that has mainly Super Junior songs with some other Korean and Japanese bands. There are a few American singers that make it through too!

139. What do you think is the most amazing thing that anyone has ever accomplished? I really respect Mother's of huge families and Firefighters. I think it takes a lot to run into a building on fire or collapsing to save those caught within. I also am amazed at the Mother's that take care of large families and yet still seem to have free time and are always happy. I hope to be a Mother like that!

140. What could a member of the opposite sex do to impress you? Well, I'm pretty easily impresses (as well as amused). Something that really catches my attention though is the way they look and interact with you. Even more specifically, I love the expression when they are talking about something they are really passionate about. It makes me feel happy and want to learn about what they're explaining!

141. About how many emails do you get a day? How many of those emails are junk mail? How many of them are forwards? Well, I have 5 emails, but I only really check two of them daily. Combined, I'm thinking 20-30 emails, with a little over half being junk. Although, they aren't really junk, but things I've signed up for but don't really feel like reading lately.

142. What's your favorite thing to do online? My favorite thing to do online is catch up on my fandoms and watch foreign television shows!

143. Do you believe Kurt Cobain killed himself or was it a conspiracy? I don't really know much about the circumstances of his death since it happened when I was really young, but why would it be a conspiracy?

144. Have you ever thought about hitchhiking across the country? I haven't thought about hitchhiking across the US, but I have thought about doing it across Europe or some countries in Asia.

145. Who would you bring with you on this kind of a road trip? I would love to bring my little sister and Mom. I would also like to go with my friends Naruto and Sharien. I've traveled with Naruto and Sharien before and I enjoyed it. I wouldn't like to go with too many people though.

146. Of the following, which word best describes you: accurate, bold, charming, or dependable. Of the four, I would choose dependable. I would hope that I am dependable to other people. I honestly chose it though because I don't think that accurate, bold, or charming describes me.

147. If you are single, at about what age do you think you will be ready to settle down and get married? If you are married, how old were you at the time? I am currently single, but I do want to get married and start a family before I'm 30. Then again, who knows what will happen?

148. Do you often wonder, when you say goodbye to people, if it is the last time you will ever see them? I have wondered about that a few times. It's not often though.

149. What movie are you most looking forward to seeing when it comes out? This movie already came out in Japan, but I can't wait to see Paradise Kiss when it comes out on DVD so I can get a copy!

150. What is your quest? I really have a quest. I think that I am currently on a quest, but it's hard to know where and when the ending will happen. One of those you never know what the future holds things. 

I hope you enjoyed this segment of my 5000 question survey! If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please comment below! So tonight's gif actually isn't a gif, but one of the movie posters for the Live Action Paradise Kiss!

Until next time, 