Hello new and old readers!! So this is a new blog I've created!! If you haven't seen or heard of my core blog, it's themindofanapple.blogspot.com. There have been a few post on that blog that were survey or quiz type thingies. Well, a friend gave me 5000 question one to fill out for fun. Since there's a lot there, i wanted to break it up into parts. I didn't really like the idea of having them interspersed between my other blog posts, so I created this blog specifically for those! I'm not quite sure how I'm going to split the 5000 questions up yet, but I was thinking of doing something along the lines of posting a set number of questions every Monday. Anyways, I'll figure that out sometime this weekend or next week! So keep an eye for it! Also, if you find any fun or interesting quizzes or surveys, please send them to me! I'd love to take them! I like filling out things that make me think and refelct on who I am as a person! I also like doing random ones for fun too! I hope you'll enjoy this blog and I'll try to make it honest and have fun with everything!